E-020 More Grant Technology Trends with Liz Marenakos and Lucy Morgan

Episode Summary:

### Quick Episode Summary Grant Talks Podcast [#020]

*Intro ***.43***

* Fire Away Questions with Liz Marenakos and Lucy Morgan CPA***1:36***

* Survival Tips for the Rapid Pace of Technology***4:08***

* Trends in Performance Reporting-Accountability to Solve Problems***6:43***

* Best Practices: Upgrading Your Grants Management Software***8:31***

* Innovation in Grant Reporting: Set a Vision and Embrace Flexibility***11:46***

* Technology Trends: Setting Expectations for Software Implementation***12:49***

* Technology and Grant Management: Better Tools Build Better Outcomes ***17:11***

* Top Trends for Better Grant Management in the Future***18:32***

* The Last Word with Liz Marenakos and Lucy Morgan CPA***22:21***

*Outro Audio GrantTalks Podcast with Lucy M. Morgan CPA ***23.27***

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Introducing Liz Marenakos from the Blackbaud

Intro: 00:04

Welcome to the Grant Talks podcast...

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E-019 Technology Trends for Grants with Liz Marenakos and Lucy Morgan

Episode Summary:

### Quick Episode Summary Grant Talks Podcast [#019]

*Intro ***.41***

* Fire Away Questions with Liz Marenakos and Lucy Morgan CPA***1:40***

* Trends for Technology and Automation in Fundraising and Grants***3:40***

* Trends in Grant and Technology-Powering the Social Good Community***4:49***

* Best Practices: The Role of Technology in Effective and Efficient Grant Management***7:37***

* Cloud Computing and Automation: The Evolution of Accounting in the Social Good Sector***8:16***

* Federal Grant and Technology Trends: The World of Open Data and the DATA Act***10:54***

* Technology and Grant Management: Tools Designed for the Best Outcomes***17:22***

* The Last Word with Liz Marenakos and Lucy Morgan CPA***19:00***

*Outro Audio GrantTalks Podcast with Lucy M. Morgan CPA ***21.15***

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Introducing Liz Marenakos from the Blackbaud

Intro: 00:04

Welcome to the Grant Talks podcast...

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