E-010 More Tech Trends for Grant Management with Adam Roth, Jillian Neimeister and Lucy Morgan CPA

Episode Summary:

### Quick Episode Summary Grant Talks Podcast [#010]

*Intro ***.41***

* Fire Away Questions Adam Roth and Jillian Neimeister and Lucy Morgan CPA ***1:39***

* Puerto Rico and Illinois Case-Studies: Technology Implementation***5:54***

* Survival Tips for Grants Management-Changing Technology ***7:32***

* What Open Data Means to Your Organization***9:40***

* 5 Phase Blueprint for Technology Implementation ***13:23***

* Phase One: Initiation for Grant Technology Management ***14:44***

* Phase Two: Planning for Realistic Expectations **15:04***

* Phase Three: Analysis Discovers What’s Really Going On **15:32***

* Phase Four: Rinse and Repeat Cycle-Analysis, Configuration and Testing ***16:21***

* Phase Five: Real-World Technology: Migration and Go-Live ***17.41***

* Timeframe: Expectation Setting in Technology Upgrades ***18.44***

* First Steps for Kicking the Excel Spreadsheet Habit ***23:21***

* Predictions for Grant Management-Open Data and Machine-Readable...

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